Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) is based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications.
The Australian Government and the Victorian Department of Education and Training will be implementing a range of programs that encourage school students (both secondary and primary) to study STEM subjects and showing them some of the great careers built on science, engineering, maths and technology will also help secure the nation’s future. Many of our science ideas and programs in school already cover STEM without even realising it!
The beginning of each meeting will include professional sharing. This will involve attendees have a relaxed chat about something that they have implemented/experienced in STEM at their school. Dependant on the attendance of individual meetings this may be either breaking up into smaller groups (large attendance) or having a round table discussion (small attendance).
The agenda will be themed with different topics. For example: Assessment, Resourcing, Curriculum, Professional Development, Network Competitions – this will form the bulk of the sessions format and discussions.
BioLAB staff will present a small 10 minute session to conclude the meeting, this will include a small experiment or demonstration that teachers can take back to their classrooms and some suggested resources that could assist in building a lesson or unit around this.
The Science Teachers Network is open to any teacher with an interest in science! There will be a focus on integrated curriculum areas, in particular science, and mathematics.
We foresee that by BioLAB providing the space, the enthusiasm and small parts of the agenda that there is great potential for this network to look forward towards being teacher driven with relevant events, guest speakers, professional development and collegiate sharing at all levels of science in schools.
Meeting Frequency and Dates
The Science Teachers Network will meet twice per term. The 2017 Meeting Calandar will be published very soon.
Meetings will commence at 4.00pm and conclude at 5.30pm. Times may occasionally be altered to cater for guest speakers or professional development opportunities.
ALL Attendees will need to register with BioLAB prior to attendance – please email admin@biolab.vic.edu.au to register for the network.