At BioLAB we are very interested in exploring the science and maths of human performance. All of those wonderful things that occur inside us every day to help us not only exist in our environment, but thrive!
There have been many studies that have demonstrated a strong link between exercise and memory; energy levels; mood; sleep and the body’s ability to deal with stress and anxiety.
So now is the time to start an exercise program to boost your remote learning performance! We don’t know exactly which exercise is best. Much of the research has explored the effects of walking, and other forms of aerobic exercise that gets your heart pumping. There is also a significant amount of research that looks at the benefits of weights and resistance training programs.
A great place to start when you are remote learning is to have a walking plan. Try to walk for at least 30 mins on most days of the week and perhaps going for a longer walk (up to an hour) twice a week. Once you are up and exercising how about practicing your science and maths skills and become your very own labrat!
Try keeping your own exercise diary for a month which looks at recording things such as; how many steps per day you are taking; what your mood is pre and post exercise; if you have access to a heart rate monitor you could even take note of your heart rate.
With all of this data at your fingertips practice your mathematics skills by using graphs and tables to tell the story of your data.
You could explore things such as:
- What are my average steps per day/week?
- What are the minimum and maximum steps for the week/month?
- Calculate the mean steps you are taking per week.
- Can you see any relationship in your mood and the amount of steps you take?
Research suggests there is a strong link between exercise and memory. In fact some of the findings suggest a brisk walk or slow run before a test or exam can improve your performance! So try putting this to the test at home and see if you can see any improvement.
Give yourself (or your siblings) a memory task (try memory cards or a list of numbers), give yourself 5 minutes to remember as much of the information as possible; Leave the room and wait quietly for 15 minutes and then retest yourself.
Now try the same task again but with a different set of information (change the numbers or order of the memory cards); give yourself 5 minutes to remember and now try going for a walk at a brisk pace for 15 minutes and then retest your memory.
Is there a difference in your performance?
Using your scientific literacy skills you could put together a report that discusses your findings.
Research References
- Steele CA, Kalnins IV, Jutai JW, Stevens SE, Bortolussi JA, Biggar WD. Lifestyle health behaviours of 11- to 16- year old youth with physical disabilities. Health Education Research 1996;11:173–186.
- Kramer AF, Hahn S, Cohen NJ, Banich MT, McAuley E,Harrison CR, et al. Ageing, fitness and neurocognitive function. Nature 1999;400:418–419.
- Barnes DE, Yaffe K, Satariano WA, Tager IB. A longitudinal study of cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive function in healthy older adults. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 2003;51:459–465.
- Van Boxtel MPG, Paas FGWC, Houx PJ, Adam JJ, Teeken JC, Jolles J. Aerobic capacity and cognitive performance in a cross-sectional aging study. Medical Science and Sports Exercise 1997;29:1357–1365.
- Hillman CH, Snook EM, Jerome GJ. Acute cardiovascular exercise and executive control function. International Journal of Psychophysiology 2003;48:307–314.