BioLAB’s 2012 Report Card is HOT OF THE PRESS! We have compiled a summary of the teacher and student quotes and feedback recieved throughout 2012.
We are so thankful to all of the staff and student who took their time to send us this feedback, we appreciate every last quote. The following quotes have been collected from schools who have experienced our programs in 2012. Click here for our full report card.
Here are some of our favourites:
- “The BioLAB is amazing. The staff was very welcoming and professional.Students were quickly engaged with an array of relevant theory. Students understanding of Maths and Science of the Human Body was then furthered by the practical applications provided at the centre. This hands on approach to student learning through creation of their own data, really augmented the students understanding.” – Jeremy Dyson (Year Level Manager/Lead Teacher – Matthew Flinders)
- “I really enjoyed the Muscle Mania because you got to test your muscles. I also liked DNA detectives because I have never done anything like this before. I learnt about what is inside a cell, it was awesome!” – Matthew (Belmont PS student)
- “Whole new outlook on Science just from being here.” – Northern Bay Yr 10 student
- “Thank you so much for the wonderful sessions. They were absolutely fantastic. The kids were totally engaged, had lots of fun and, importantly, learnt a great deal about the heart, heart health and the circulatory system. I was so grateful for the teacher resources. It was very easy to create a hand-on, fun lesson to support your session. Due to the high level of interest and engagement we are now doing follow-up activities and research projects in Science.Thanks again for organising the day so well. (All of your staff members were very impressive!) – Suzie Reeves (Lorne/Aireys P-12 Teacher)
- “I learnt today that my heart rate can go up to 177, and Luke who is much bigger than me got his rate to 196. We would consider either Maths or Sports as a career pathway.” Robert & Luke (Belmont HS students)
- “Thank you for having us at the wonderful BioLAB and doing activities with us. For me this was a spectacular moment because I have never had the chance to be in any kind of lab such as this and do experiments. I liked Muscle Mania because my brain was really powering because I had to figure out the answers by myself. It was the first time I have ever used and IPad. In Beat That the best thing was listening to my own heart beat using the stethoscope.” – Sruthi (Ballarat PS student)