As part of our focus on Professional Development in 2019 BioLAB has partnered with Andrew Lorimer from Think Square to run Professional Development in Mathematics.
The first workshop was run recently in Wangaratta with a full day workshop looking at “Shifting Mathematical Mindset”. The session was presented to primary and secondary Maths teachers from the region at Wangaratta High School. Andrew’s philosophy to teaching includes shifting student’s mindset when engaging with mathematical concepts.
Think Square’s resources provide a challenging and interactive way to support classroom learning. Andrew provided Think Square’s alternative to chalk and talk or textbook questions for a number of ‘hard to teach’ concepts. He then asked teachers for concepts and showed the resources are flexible across the curriculum. Throughout the day teachers were challenged themselves by completing the activities. This resulted in a lot of smiles and discussion about classroom applications. As part of the PD, each school received a complementary resource kit so their students could engage as much as teachers did during the PD.
Thank you to Wangaratta High School for hosting the event and Andrew from Think Square for an enjoyable and engaging day.
Our next ” Shifting Mathematical Mindset” workshop with Think Square will be occuring on July 29th @ Biolab. Any teachers interested in attending please contact us at