BioLAB’s Sport Science Experience Program is a behind the scenes look in to what it takes to be a exercise/sport science professional. SEDA Geelong teacher Ben Raidme commented, “our students got to experience an incredible day of practical activities at BioLAB. Students gained expert insight from the fantastic staff there. They learnt about focus areas such as nutrition, elite testing, health sciences, biotechnology, materials technology and biomechanics.”
Students were hands on with state of the art equipment and technology and conducted three investigations;
- GPS Data Analysis – Investigating and manipulating their own GPS information including; distance, speed, heart rate and map data.
- Elite Testing – Analysing what VO2 Max testing is and how it can be used to determine an athlete’s cardio-respiratory endurance.
- Physiology Lab – Using physiological sensors and real time datalogging to investigate acute response to exercise. This investigation focused on heart rate training zones and recovery times.
If you would like to book a Sport Science experience for your students keep an eye out for our 2016 Program Guide which is due to be released in Term 4, 2015. Bookings are also open in Term 4, 2015.